I cannot even imagine where I would be today were it not for that handful of friends who have given me a heart full of joy.
Let’s face it, friends make life a lot more fun
Charles R. SwindollWith Due Courtesy Of Brainyquote
Starting off with this piece of some beautiful Friendship Day Quotes to make the day of the dear audience, a bit more, “merrier this morning”; Regij with the following, at close to heart, “friendship day songs in Hindi” with
Song Courtesy of
“KK – Yaaron”
Lets divulge, “International friendship day 2019“, inta a more merrier, “World friendship day 2019“, for the coming days.
For International peace and prosperity, let’s wish the, “global people policies”, be, “enliven” with the priority wishlist of core, “Friendship day messages“, endeavors
Friendship day 2019 date in India
Indians are always great at heart, It has been a peaceful country for many decades passed and for many to come. Friendship is natively woven in, major to minor catalogue, of vast, “festivals” celebrated at home and with neighbors together.
So, do millenials love to rock making a bit change in theme,they enjoy a cocktail of, “Valentine”, tidbits in Friendship of their own.
Talking about Happy Friendship Day 2019 in Business, so reading on the biography of Steve jobs I got to learn the, “covalent bond kind of cemented friendship“, between Steve and his all time best buddy Steve Wozniak,literally they are an ideal friendship in business that turned into profound success in the later part of their life in the form of Apple Inc.
Our, “school time friends”, also left us a lifelong impression, when we begin our, “very first life lesson”,… all in a Kindergarten near our home. We first fight off with, “soon to be friend”, as buddies- as strangers now, for the best seat occupancy, either in the vicinity, of a window seat for to look out in the moments of, “class lectures boredom”, or for some mischievous delightfull pranks of our own.
We begin to make, “friends, slowly but with a bond of trust, helping each other in exam, if cheating happens that happens for some good, also in the wake of friendship. But we do not make everyone our, “friends”, but few very few, as true friends, as always, “like minded people do cling together”. Also, with a well said proverb, “a friend in need is a friend indeed”, also further lays a foundation to a better off friendship, as we drift into into our school, college and professional hobnobs, living life happily after.
What about studying in a co-education system, “yes”, it has its own sets of advantages, you become friends with, girlfriend also that a twist into studying curriculum, as you become to work in groups; often leading the class in sports win win situation or any, “science”, or “arts”, projects of its own. “School life”, is the,”best phase of life”, followed, by the, “adulthood responsibilities”, in colleges for a, “decisive professional forray:, that ends in a “well settled”, and, “well to do life”, in a lovingly good family of almost everyone.
Let’s talk about your story of best friendship ever, Do write me via invaluable comments that I would like to respond as soon as possible equally publishing your views as next big post in this blog with due credits of your name and mention.