Here are the tips and facts that can work on your facial beauty especially for the most handsome boys in the world.
Remember Soap Perfect for body washing should contain some percentage of moisturizer in sync to great amount of making fairer ingredients
For e.g. Dove soap wash your face daily with Dove soap as cost effective alternative to face wash.
Which face wash you should try?
There are innumerous face wash out in the market, which one to choose from, can be had an idea from the TV Commercials.
My prescription is with or my recommendation is with Dove or Ponds. Face wash or you can use any Garnier face product.
After a thorough face wash then you can scrub your face to make it further cleaner and fairer thus removing dirt and dust from face.
Which face cream to apply for Pic Handsome Boy?
On further recommendations and prescription on note; you should experiment with loads of facial fairer cream available in the market and justify the output results yourself. Take for e.g. Garnier they have got a good range of fair products in the Kitty.